A community calendar for locals and visitors

Future Rakiura wanted a practical way to help everyone stay connected with what’s going on around the place. This is a key aspect of our goal to be a community connector. An online community calendar seemed like a great option.

A multi purpose resource

We recognised that this resource could have value in multiple directions.

  1. Help connect locals with their community
  2. Help visitors connect to our community
  3. Help our locals connect with visitors


Various options were looked at including an expensive professional design and hosting option

Locals leading

We decided to take up the offer of voluntary help from a local to keep the project costs minimised whilst still reaching our goals

Funding support

Predator Free Rakiura supported us with our first year of funding to cover hosting and domain name rental costs.


An online calendar was quickly developed using a keep it simple and start small philosophy

Getting ready

Training was provided for Future Rakiura members to run and administer the system.

Going live

We launched the community calendar at the 2023 Community Meeting night.

Maximising usability and effectiveness

We continue to invest in the success of this resource through promotion on Facebook, making it accessible through physical posters and embedding it into the main tourism website for the island.

Our next steps are to maximise tourist interaction rates by making the calendar available at key entry points to the island with both QR codes to access on personal devices as well as touch screen kiosks.

10,000 visitors and counting

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